Thursday 19 February 2015

True value

Letters from the Hindi Language

Anything that is abundantly available in our surroundings does not get its due value. Be it the sun or moon, water or air, we do not realise their true worth. Most of the national languages or mother tongues fall in the same category. Since we find everyone using the same language we rarely think about its true value.

This is what I realised after taking part in the Hindi Divas Programme held in our school recently. The day is celebrated in many parts of India as well as abroad wherever a substantial number of Hindi speakers reside to commemorate the day when Hindi was decided to be the national language of India. The day is dedicated to showcase the rich cultural heritage and values of Hindi language.

In our school too, the Hindi Divas programme was celebrated on a grand level. It started with a patriotic song by a group of girls. It was soothing. It was followed by a play, which was followed by “Hasya Kavi Sammelan,” a poetry session where students had to recite poetry laced with humour and satire. I was one of the poets, who had to regale the audience by representing works of renowned poets.

It was this occasion that made me realise the true worth of a poem and the contribution made by the poets and writers as we were unable to write even one stanza that can match the works of the celebrated poets.

I hope that we all learn to give due respect to our respective national languages and understand the inherent values.

Published in The Gulf Today on October 18, 2014)