Monday, 31 December 2012

Hazards of postponement

In our daily lives, we meet several people. While we love to befriend like-minded people, some people’s habits annoy us. I love to befriend one who does his work in a planned way, while those who have the habit of doing their work at the last moment irritate me.

There is another reason to it. People who do their work in a planned manner are always successful in their lives.

But those who procrastinate may not succeed sometime. I have seen many such people.

I am sharing this today because results of our annual examination are out and it has been indicated in my friends’ report cards.

In fact, on one occasion I got upset because my group lost the first position in a competition due to one of my classmate’s similar habit.

Once there was a Power Point (PPT) Presentation competition in our school.

We were divided into several groups. Girls in my group also discussed the topics and shared the workload. But one of my friends completely forgot about the presentation.

While we kept discussing the preparation during the lunchtime, one of the girls did not show any interest. She kept saying, “I will do it.”

When the day arrived to submit the presentation, she apologised for not completing the task given to her.

We had to submit the presentation without adding her part. Since it was incomplete, we lost the trophy of Best PPT Presentation.

We must realise that this is not a good habit. It may affect our success.

(Published in
The Gulf Today on March 24, 2012)