Monday 31 December 2012

Kid connection

I hate long holidays like summer and winter vacations because they make me bored when I am home alone. I love to be with my friends. In their absence, books become my best friends. I read books by many authors. But my favourite author is Enid Blyton.

For me, another pastime is playing games on my laptop. One day, I realised that we have got so many new technologies like e-mail and Facebook that can be used to bring our friends and relatives closer. So I started sending e-mail and chatting with my friends and relatives.

One of my cousins had told me the same thing. In fact, he also gave me a good idea to use the technology to advance my interest in story writing.

He said, “You can create an account on Facebook and then search for your favourite author and add her to your network of friends. You can also ask her to suggest some topics to write stories, or as you are planning to write a book, she can write a small piece for the book.”

I liked the idea and agreed with him.

When I tried to create an account, I realised that Facebook is not for children. There must be something similar for children too!

Why, don’t you all agree with me?

(Published in
The Gulf Today on Jan.14, 2012)

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