Saturday 16 January 2016

Knowledge for All

A recent editorial in Gulf News highlighted various initiatives by the UAE government promote reading, and I was glad to hear of it. Reading is an excellent habit. It should be encouraged not only among the children of the Middle East but also across the world.

The detachment between books and children is a common sight in today’s world. Most children are more interested in video games and movies rather than books.

Youngsters have forgotten that reading brings knowledge and knowledge is empowerment. I have also noticed that children sometimes hide their phones under theirbooks so as to pretend that they are reading, while all the time they are on their smartphones.

As a book-lover myself, I feel happy that UAE is taking the initiative to remind these youngsters about the benefits of reading.

These programs would  be very useful in inculcating a passion for books among many young readers. I am proud to be a part this country, which takes bold steps to instil the love of reading among the youths.

(Published in The Gulf Today on January 3, 2016)

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