Saturday 11 October 2014

Spirit of sacrifice

I have noticed that in this fast world, very few people have time for others. Many people are so busy that they don’t realise what is going on in their neighbourhood, leave alone the incidents taking place in other parts of the world. But thanks to festivals, these busy people sit with others and talk for at least a while.

That is why I always look forward to festivals. Eid Al Adha, or Festival of the Sacrifice, is one of my favourite festivals. During Eid Al Fitr many people leave for India. But on Eid Al Adha, all of us have time to sit together, especially we children, and discuss  various things — from schools to games, movies to cartoons, etc.

Eid Al Adha is also an occasion that reminds us about making sacrifices and submitting to Allah to seek His blessings.

This festival honours and reminds us of the two prophets of Islam, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Prophet Ismail (PBUH) who submitted to Allah’s will. Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was ready to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail (PBUH), and the latter was ready to give up his life for the sake of Allah. Allah accepted their act and provided a lamb to sacrifice, which we still follow.

Unfortunately, it looks like it has become just a ritual and people do not follow the actual message. It is hard to find people submitting themselves to Allah’s wish or sacrificing for the sake of Allah. I hope we all realise our mistake and begin sacrificing as well as submitting ourselves to Allah.

(Published in The Gulf Today on October 4, 2014)

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