Sunday, 1 May 2016

Labour Day

Since time immemorial, people across the world work to earn a livelihood for their family, which is also their contribution in the smooth functioning of the world. 

A teacher teaches the students who grow up to become successful people. A farmer works day and night to provide food for us. Yet, not all people get equal credit for their work.

I am pleased that the world has dedicated at least a day in the year to them. 

Every year on May 1, marked as International Labour Day, people acknowledge the work of not only labourers but also people from other professions.

Many people have the belief that Labour Day is celebrated only for the labourers and lower working class. But I believe that everyone else in the world do their best to make their profession among the best. And that it is not only for a particular group of people but for everyone who works hard to achieve something.

Sometimes, in order to earn a living, people forget to enjoy the nature’s blessings. 

Unfortunately, they are not given enough credit for their efforts. I feel sad when I think about it. I wonder how many times we would have stopped to pay attention to the garbage-picker on the road or to the office boys.

I am happy that the UAE is among those countries which understand the worth of workers. 

Thus, in order to appreciate their work, the government has organised a three-day celebration to mark the International Labour Day starting from April 29 to May 1. 

It is a celebration organised to give a day off to the workers and give sufficient credit for their work. 

I am sure that it will successfully highlight the importance of  labourers in today’s world and their unique role in the urbanisation of the world.

I hope that just as the governments of different countries have realised the fact that everyone is important for the well-being and advancement of a country, we, the public should also realise this and give importance to everyone.

(Published in The Gulf Today on April 30, 2016)

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