Thursday 28 August 2014

Befitting Dubai

Today, most of the people are aware of gaining extra weight due to a lavish lifestyle. Many of them also wonder that it may make them obese. Yet the tempting junk foods like pizzas and burgers as well as lack of exercise prevent many of them from getting slimmer.

Realising this, the Dubai government launched a campaign, “Your Weight in Gold” a year ago to encourage maximum number of residents to lose weight. Encouraged by the immense success, the Dubai Municipality has started a similar drive this year under the slogan, “Your Child in Gold,” as this year obese children can also participate.

I was surprised as well as amazed when I heard about it. The government wants us to be fit and fine. They are sure that people would lose their weight in order to claim the gold. I was astonished when I came to know that more than 15,000 people have registered this year, which is double than the number of people who participated in the campaign last year.

They are encouraged by getting two benefits – getting gold as well as getting slimmer.

I hope that the Dubai government achieves the objective within a few years, so that there would not be a person in the city who is fat. This wonderful city will also be known as the healthiest city, if this continues. I am also sure that every participant will get enough gold coins to keep them motivated to stay healthy.

I just wish “All the Best” to the people who are participating for the gold as well as to lose their weight. Also wish Dubai to become the healthiest city.

(Published in The Gulf Today on July 26, 2014)

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