Sunday 29 March 2015

From Fiction to Reality

The Golden Burj Khalifa

Visiting popular landmarks of Dubai is not unique for people who live in different parts of the UAE. But a trip to explore various places of the emirate reveals many interesting aspects of the city.
I realised this during a recent hangout with my friends. One of our destinations was the famous Dubai Gold Souk.
My past visits to the Gold Souk were limited to a few shops. Now, as a tourist, I was going everywhere and was noticing everything. We all felt amazed seeing many unique things.
It was remarkable to see several gold shops in a row displaying huge amount of gold jewellery. I was fascinated when I saw huge necklaces on the walls of these shops. They looked as if they were golden armours of the soldiers in a king’s army.
Many other things too astonished me. In a jewellery shop, I saw a gold bar that weighed about 160 kilogrammes.  It is not easy to exhibit the extraordinary gold bar. Next to it was a tall and astonishing model of Burj Khalifa made from pure gold. I could not believe it at first sight. Soon I noticed a display board saying stating that it was made of pure gold.
But the third exhibit left me stunned. It was a shirt made of pure gold. I felt as if I was in a fairyland. I recalled a story about a princess who wore a robe made of gold, on her birthday. I enjoyed reading the story thinking that it was a fictional work. But here I was seeing it in reality.
But I had to convince myself because Dubai is such a place where fiction can become reality.

(Published in The Gulf Today on March 28, 2015)

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