Saturday, 21 March 2015

Silent spring

Tiny, Cute Sparrows

March 20 is observed as the World Sparrow Day. It reminded me of our friends’ and relatives’ concern about decreasing number of the commonly-found birds that used to make our homes lively with their chirping. The talk often focused on sparrows, mynahs and cuckoos, especially with the arrival of spring.

They often shared old memories when sparrows used to be their guests. Every morning, there would be a few birds to wake them up with chirps. Perched on trees, roofs and visiting in the courtyards, the tiny and cute sparrows used to make everyone happy.

I understand the reason why it is difficult to find sparrows in cities. It is believed that the changing lifestyle, construction of huge buildings and deforestation are causing a major effect on sparrows. But I was surprised when I could hardly spot them in smaller towns or villages too, when I visited India. 

 The Sparrow Day is a signal to make us realise the importance of the animals and birds that are getting lesser in number due to mistakes made by human beings. 

The number of tigers in India and population of giant pandas in China are decreasing rapidly. Hammour, the popular fish in the Gulf countries, is next in the line. But I am happy that the initiatives have been taken to limit overfishing, while some people have also made call for a fishing ban on all hammour smaller than 43 centimetres in length.

I strongly believe that efforts to protect animals and birds from extinction should be made now, instead of waiting for the moment when they would be a rare sight.

The World Sparrow Day comes as a reminder to make concerted efforts so that the spring season does not become silent.

(Published in The Gulf Today on March 21, 2015)

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