Monday 16 March 2015

Testing times

Oh no! Not again!
Observing incidents taking place around us can be amusing at times. Exam season is one such time when people around us grab our attention.

One may find students busy having one last look at the chapters taught in the class. It is common to see students with nervousness writ large on their faces. Sometimes, parents also get worried. 

Many of them can be seen giving tips to their wards until they enter the school campus. It is another matter that the children fail to take note of the advice and it simply adds to their anxiety.

Recently I saw a girl, so engrossed in her book that she failed to notice her steps and bumped into a grumpy teacher.

In such circumstances, one feels good when he sees a child walking confidently.

Sometimes we also come across students, though nervous till the end of exams, start boasting and claim to get first rank in the class. It is quite hilarious to see them escaping after failing to grab high ranks.

Open House Day, when results are announced, provides more interesting sights.

It is common to see parents refusing to fulfil their promises of giving costly gifts to their wards just because the child failed to get two more marks to achieve the threshold set by them.

Many other parents lose their cool and start shouting at their wards without thinking twice about the place and time. 

They fail to realise that their acts will embarrass the child forever in front of his classmates.

Hope parents-children equation as well as their attitude towards life will change with time.

(Published in The Gulf Today on March 7, 2015)

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