Sunday, 24 March 2013

Wealthy Message

When I go on vacations, my grandmother narrates many value-based stories. One of her favourite topics is money. She tells me about the importance of money and happiness. At first, I was not able to understand anything. But now when I meet people, I recall those stories and try to understand what she really meant.

I have met many people who think that money is everything. They say that we can live like kings if we have money. But I don’t think in those terms. I have seen many people who earn little money but keep smiling. I have also seen wealthy people, but many of them remain tense. Thus it’s not necessary that money is everything. We should not care so much for money as money can’t buy happiness. I see many examples of this in my daily life.

One example of this I can mention is about my friends. They keep on discussing electronic gadgets. Once a friend said that she had got an iPad2, but she wanted an iPad4. Another said that she had Blackberry phone, but she was asking her parents to buy Samsung Galaxy S III. Another of my friends said that she would love to have an iPhone5.

It seems that they spend more time looking for new gadgets in the market than looking towards other people around them. I have noticed that our conductor lives a peaceful life with a simple mobile in his hand. Similarly, the watchman of our building gets very little money, but he keeps smiling.

Recently I was reading a book, where I noticed a very important sentence: “Money can buy almost everything, but not the dignity and respect of being who we are.”

(Published in The Gulf Today on February 23, 2013)

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