Saturday 9 November 2013

Separation pain

You feel sad when separated from a person with whom you have spent a long time. But meeting again after a gap gives out-of-the-world joy. I realised this when I met my old classmates recently.

It was heartbreaking when I came to know that our class was going to be shuffled. I was feeling dreadful as we had been together for so many years and now we would have to move to a new class. I was half-relieved when I got to know that a few girls of my old class will be accompanying me to the new one.

On the first day, I was nervous and was feeling odd. I was missing all the fun we used to have earlier. I had thought that we will be in the same school and will keep meeting during the recess. Later, I realised that a brief meeting was not enough and I kept looking for a get-together.

Last week, I realised that it was an old classmate’s birthday the next day. I contacted a few other friends and planned to throw a surprise party when all of us would come together and enjoy.

We were all excited. I was so electrified that I made a delicious cake for the party. I also bought a few gifts for others and a few items for the party.

The next day I was impatient as I reached the school. When the recess bell rang, we rushed to the school canteen. The birthday girl cut the cake and shared with us. Later, we also played games.

It was a joyful occasion as we all had gathered together after such a long time.

(Published in The Gulf Today on June 1, 2013)

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